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The Purpose and Foundation

Hey Ya’ll! 


My name is Hannah, and I am the founder of Together Brave and the creator of this mini course. 


I hope the moment you entered this space, you felt safe and welcome because that has been my prayer for you.


Whatever pain you are experiencing or have experienced in life, I am so sorry. 


Please do not lose hope in your struggle.


You are not alone.


I also am a survivor, and I know there are many others out there.


We are in this TOGETHER, and TOGETHER we are going to walk into the pain and grief you are feeling and begin the process of healing and moving forward. 


My desire and prayer for you is that after we finish walking through this mini-course, TOGETHER, you will come out on the other side no longer a victim of your past, but be equipped with some new mindsets and tools to become a victor over it.


There is a quote from George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars. He says:


“We are all living in cages with the doors wide open.”


That is how I feel about abuse and trauma.


It affects EVERY area of our life, and often it grows debilitating in one way or another. What we fail to realize is that we have POWER over our past, the door to our cage is wide open. We must take that first step and get outside. That’s what this course is all about. My goal is that we here at TOGETHER BRAVE create a bridge for you so that you can step out of your cage of fear, trauma, secrets, abuse, and anxiety and CROSS OVER onto the healing path and start your journey to become a victor. 

Together Brave. Downloads(1).png

The Purpose of This Mini-Course

Every Survivor who comes through this space leaves:


  1. Understanding that their abuse is not their fault.

  2. Understanding 4 fundamental principles they can start NOW to begin their healing. 
- Ownership
 - Boundaries
 - Self Awareness

  3. Tools and resources to continue their healing journey beyond this mini course

Our key values here in this space are:




Let me unpack that a little bit….


I have taken extra precautions to be sure I was creating an atmosphere within this course and my website where you NEVER EVER feel forced, coerced, or pushed. 


Safety may be something that you have never experienced. Your life may have been hell on earth since the day you were born. Maybe your abuse was a single event, and you have struggled to feel safe since?


I want you to know that this content is presented in a way that I recognize that as a core struggle. I have set all of this up so that you have the power to CHOOSE to start each new session. You CHOOSE to reach out to us for questions, help, or giving us your information


You will NEVER be required to share your story or even your email. 


We value your privacy and your healing journey and encourage you to take in this information at a pace you are comfortable with.
 Our priority is that you always feel SAFE in this space with us.

 Another goal we have worked hard to weave into this course is helping you recognize and accept your inherent value as a human being. The fact that you are a human being created in the image of God gives you dignity and worth that NO PERSON OR EVENT CAN EVER TAKE AWAY FROM YOU. EVER.


We approach all of this with eyes that recognize your value and worth has been under attack ever since (and in many cases before) your abuse. 

I purpose to help you see and understand that YOU ARE WORTHY. 





And there are PEOPLE and NAMES connected to your healing. Healing ourselves isn’t just about ourselves; it’s about future generations. It’s about those we come in contact with. It’s about those we love. It is our duty to heal so that we can extend hope and love to those around us. 
If not us, then who?


The last part of this course is created with the intent to send you out as a victor. We not only want to help you feel safe and valued but also empowered. Those of us who have begun to experience healing and freedom MUST help others realize the door to their cage is wide open and help them take that first step out.


I pray that you leave this course with a determination in your soul to build a bridge along with us and help set others free.



This course is a combination of truths, experiences, principals, and techniques I have learned through my own journey of healing. While I am a follower of Jesus and my faith is weaved throughout this course, I have also done (and continue to do) extensive reading and research on trauma and abuse of ALL KINDS, toxic cycles and dynamics, personality disorders, etc.


I do not discount mental illnesses. I do not claim you can just pray all your hurts, habits, and issues away. 


Healing is hard WORK, and it does require medical intervention for some.


In order to fully heal you and I must be educated on all facets of our body, mind, and spirit to truly understand ourselves, our experiences, and how all of that works together for healing to take place.





While we are not responsible for what happened to us, we ARE responsible for dealing with it and finding peace, so we don’t bleed our issues into our relationships and onto other people.


Below I attached a few links to some resources I think you will find helpful. One of them is a healing contract. It’s a PDF download you can print off, sign, and commit to showing up for yourself. If you don’t do the work, then nothing changes. 


Now with all that being said, I AM NOT A COUNSELOR, DOCTOR, THERAPIST, PSYCHOLOGIST, OR PASTOR. I have no certifications or degrees. I have no hidden agendas. 
I am just a gal who is compelled to share her story in the hopes of helping others. 


So, thank you for joining me here.

It is a TRUE HONOR to speak truth and hope into your life. 






The importance of this healing contract is to hold yourself accountable. You cannot keep living the way you always have and expect different results. SOMETHING must change. YOU MUST hold yourself responsible because no one else will. You have to envision what you want yourself to be and start taking steps towards becoming that person. And the FIRST step is GETTING HEALTHY.


So even when you don’t feel like it SHOW UP.


Set a daily reminder on your phone, whatever it takes!





Click the icon to download the healing contract

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